Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Donate

"Some are called to give by going; others are called to go by giving."

Kaitlyn Burke, Thomas Grove & Layne Reeves

If you would like to make a donation and assist our fundraising efforts, please make checks payable to, "Jinja Outreach Funds," and send donations to 7111 A Street, Suite 103, Lincoln, NE 68510. Or stop by any US Bank and tell them you would like to make a deposit to the, “Jinja Outreach Funds” account!

Thank you all for following our journey and for your support! 

Kaitlyn, Layne & Thamas

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Vaccinations Complete

                                             The three of us and Szuhuna after our shots

This past week we received our immunizations for Africa. Let us tell you, there were a lot of needles that were put in our arms that day and even some bruising the following day! Being former UNL students, we were fortunate to have the student health center readily available to us. It was there that we met Szuhuna, the Immunization & Travel Clinic nurse for the Health Center.  She met with us, spoke about the health dangers associated with Jinja, Uganda and then gave us several shots and medications. She was incredible. She not only made the process informative, but also fun and entertaining. She joked with us and made getting the grand total of 13 shots and 6 prescription  medications (between the three of us) much more enjoyable. The shots we received were: Hepatitis A, Polio, Tetanus-Diphtheria- Pertissos booster, Yellow Fever, and Influenza. The prescription medications we received were the Typhoid vaccination and Malaria medication that we will have to take daily while we are on our trip and for a month after.

We leave in 51 days and we could not be more excited. With our vaccinations complete, we are now one step closer to traveling to make a difference in Jinja, Uganda!

All the best,

Kaitlyn, Layne and Thomas

* For more pictures from our vaccination day please visit our Facebook page

Monday, May 21, 2012

Two-week Challenge # 1

One of our major fundraising goals is have enough money to bring food, medical and sporting supplies for the people in the surrounding villages and town in Jinja, Uganda. In the United States and Canada food, medical and sporting needs are at the palm of our hands. Often we overindulge on food and don’t think twice as we grab that bottle of aspirin or Tylenol. But in the area we are traveling to, in a little under 2 months, these basic needs are not being met, and we want to be able to provide these basic needs for people in and around the Jinja region.  Thus, for these next two weeks we are putting out a challenge for our friends.

This two-week challenge is called our, “food challenge,” and it is to have people donate $10 to The Jinja Outreach Funds. Rather than going out to lunch one afternoon, or purchasing the extra dessert or Starbucks coffee, save that $10 and donate it for the people in Uganda so we can purchase basic food needs for the children, families and individuals.

If all of our 103 followers on our Facebook page each donate $10 during these next two weeks we could raise $1030, which would feed hundreds of individuals in Uganda. We will keep you posted on the fundraising efforts for this challenge, so if you do participate, along with your check please write a small note indicating that the money is for our food two-week challenge. To make a donation please send it to, "Jinja Outreach Funds- 7111 A Street, Suite 103, Lincoln, NE 68510" and make checks payable to "Jinja Outreach Funds."

Thank you for supporting us, our mission trip and most of all the children, families and individuals of Uganda, we cannot wait to help make a difference.

Kaitlyn, Layne & Thomas

* As of today we have $30 for our food challenge from the three of us!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Arise Africa International

We leave for Africa in exactly 2 months, and as many of you know, we are going to Jinja, Uganda to assist with an organization called, Arise Africa International. You may be asking the question, what is Arise Africa International and what are their main priorities in Africa? Well, we have the answers.

Arise Africa International was established in 2008 by Pastor Godfrey Wanamistsa and his wife Joy. Arise Africa International is a Christian based mission organization located in Jinja, Uganda. Their work includes working with orphans, medical missions, AIDS ministry, schools, churches, and the Bukaleba Project. Currently, Arise Africa International is building several orphanage homes, elementary and secondary schools, and medical clinics, which will support the surrounding community and the orphanages. Arise Africa International just finished building its newest secondary school which is now home to over 122 students ages 14-22. Arise Africa International has also partnered up with the non-profit group Through this partnership, Arise Africa International has created The Bukaleba Project. The Bukaleba Project has created a large baby’s home, where orphaned baby’s are loved and taken care of in the town of Bukaleba, located on the shores of lake Victoria. Furthermore, a primary school, secondary school and hospital are also being built as part of the project. We have included a site map to show you The Bukaleba project plan!

Throughout our mission we will be taking part in all of Arise Africa International’s projects.  We, Kaitlyn, Layne and Thomas, will be spending the majority of our time assisting in the schools and building of schools, aiding at orphanages, helping at the baby’s clinic, assisting at hospitals and we will even be putting on a sports camp for the kids!  We feel fortunate to be able to help in several different areas and cannot wait to make a difference medically, personally and spiritually.

To make a donation for our trip please send a donation, "Jinja Outreach Funds- 7111 A Street, Suite 103, Lincoln, NE 68510" and make checks payable to "Jinja Outreach Funds." Or stop by any US Bank and tell them you would like to make a deposit to the, "Jinja Outreach Funds" account.

For up-to-date information on the Arise Africa International organization you can follow them on Twitter @Arise_Africa and like them on Facebook (

61 days till we leave!!

 All the best,

Kaitlyn, Layne and Thomas