Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thomas the Protector

As many of you know, Kaitlyn and Layne are two very independent people. After being away from home for so many years, we have learned to look after and take care of ourselves. Thomas, who is on his way to becoming a black belt, is very protective. He began the trip teaching us self-defense tactics and tips for "worst case scenarios." Initially we chuckled at the fact that Thomas felt the need to protect us, but in all actuality, we appreciated and loved his concern. Thomas wouldn't allow us to wander off or even go to the bathroom alone. Layne once found herself asking Thomas for permission to cross the street, she quickly responded to her own question with "why am I asking you?!? I can cross the street if I want!" We laughed about it with him but we truly appreciated the extra stress he added upon himself to look after us and we are fortunate enough to tell you that we never felt unsafe. So thank you, Thomas and Mr. And Mrs. Grove for raising a true gentlemen.

Layne and Kaitlyn

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