Sunday, July 15, 2012

And So Our Journey Begins...

We can't believe this day has finally come. It seems like yesterday that the three of us were discussing the possibility of this trip. Today is our first travel day as we head to Chicago via the Megabus. Because of bus availability, Thomas left last night and Kaitlyn and Layne left this evening...and ran into some difficulties.  Because of overwhelming support, in addition to our three large bags and three carryon's, we had two large plastic bins full of donated items.  As the bus drove up, the bus driver walked out and immediately said, "who's bins are those?" The driver noted that bus regulations only allowed one bag per person and the bins were not permitted.  Ours hearts now racing, we tried to persuade the bus driver by telling him the purpose of our trip and the importance of these items. He didn't budge. Panic set in, and we frantically began to brainstorm ways to get the bins to Chicago. Our brainstorming was minimal, we had no options. Time was short, so we began stuffing the items from the bins, into our bags. Shortly after, the bus driver told us that if everyone else's bags were loaded and there was still room for ours, he would take the bins. Kaitlyn and Layne began to pray and watched as the space began to minimize before their eyes.  Passengers on the bus were rooting for us and were willing to help in any way.  After stuffing the bags completely to their limit, we were left with three duffel bags and one plastic bin. Two minutes before departure, the driver allowed us to load our bags! What a relief!! We hustled onto the bus and everyone cheered.  Although this was a stressful start to our exciting journey ahead, we know that God will provide and take care of us! Thank you for your support and prayers. One day until we depart Chicago for London and two days until we arrive in Uganda!! Kaitlyn, Layne & Thomas

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