Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Meeting with the Queen

(Please read in British accent)

We have officially made it to London, but not without some moments of panic. After arriving in Chicago, we had some last minute travel goods to purchase before our flights. A little tip for those of you who aren't from a populated area; GPS navigation isn't the most reliable in the heart of a big city. Lucky for us, we had "Mr. Navigation" himself, along to guide the team to each destination. After we had all of our travel goods, we had to use the Blue Line train to take us to the airport. Sounds easy enough, except that we were lugging 7, 50-lbs bags and a few carry-ons during the busiest time of the day. After a few looks and impressive high-stepping by the passengers of our train car, we managed to get to the Chicago airport.Our next task was trying to evenly distribute the weight of our bags to get all of our luggage under the weight limit. We were successful and every sports ball, kids toy, chalk, medical supply and much more for the people of Uganda was on the plane. :)

Shortly after we boarded, we were greeted by airport staff and were reminded that we were most defiinitely flying British Air. By the end of the flight, Thomas became an "expert" at the British accent, with a twist of an Australian in there every once in a while. Kaitlyn finally saw, The Hunger Games and Layne got some sleep across two seats. All of us are feeling the jet lag and we are doing our best to stay awake while awaiting our next flight; but we are all going to need a short nap at some point. I'm sure while we wait we will take a look in every shop, eat our last large meal and meet new friends!

Sorry to all of our family and friends for not sending personal messages- using the internet costs $2 for every 5 min so we are sticking to this short blog update while in London.Our next post will be from Africa and we cannot wait! We will make updates as often as we can .

So long from London and sending love back to the US and Canada.

Kaitlyn, Layne & Thomas

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