Sunday, July 29, 2012

Update On Elijah

Baby Elijah barely made it through the night.  Dacia rushed him to the hospital this morning after she was informed he had been up all night vomiting everything he ate.  We picked Auntie Florence and Elijah up on our way to church, and there was no life in that precious little face.  Kaitlyn and Layne feared that we had already lost him, as his eyes were rolled back in his head and no movement was seen.  It was truly a miracle that Dacia made it to the hospital in time for Elijah to receive the treatment that he needed.  He has been hooked up to an IV drip all day and is doing better.  This evening, he took a bottle and kept it down! Elijah will spend the next few days in the hospital. Please keep this little boy in your prayers, he needs them desperately!

Elijah in his hospital bed

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